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FTLOI Learning Center


The Clitoris

Of all the parts of the body relevant to sex, the clitoris is ranks as one the most important.  Sadly, this pleasure generating powerhouse still does not get the attention it deserves.

The clitoris is the primary anatomical source of sexual pleasure for those possessing vulvas.  It is visible on the exterior of the body as the small nub of flesh located just about at the top of the vulva, above the urethral opening.  It is often covered with loose skin called the clitoral hood and becomes erect when aroused.   A majority of women report that some degree of direct clitoral stimulation is required for them to orgasm.  â€‹â€‹

The size and exact shape of the exterior tip (glans) and its skin covering, the clitoral hood, vary from person to person.  While it gets the most attention the vast majority, like an iceberg, of the clitoris's structure , nerves, and erectile tissue is hidden inside the body.  While the tip is visible nestled near the top of the outer labia and the legs and bulbs (creating a "wishbone" shape) extend down and around the urethra and vaginal canal.   This complex of tissue and nerves contributes significantly to many facets of sexual response.



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The clitoris shares similar structures and anatomy to the penis.  They both possess a glans that is the most sensitive part of the organ.   Underneath, and extending into the body, both have erectile tissue that swells with blood during arousal.   Similar to a penis, clitoral erections create more tense and sensitive tissue.  This aids in sexual stimulation in the glans and down into the internal crura and bulbs.  This and other increases in blood flow enlarge and spread out the inner and outer labia to expose the clitoris and vaginal opening.  


While most clitoris owners are familiar with the pleasure coming from the glans, fewer understand that the "g-spot", or "g-area", is actually still the clitoris.  As described above, much of the clitoris's structure and nerves are inside the body and extend around the sides of the urethra and vaginal canal.  When one is stimulating the front facing area of the vagina, the g-area, one is essentially stimulating the backside of the clitoris.    Learn more about this and vaginal anatomy here.​


The clitoris is loaded with nerve endings, twice as many as the penis, and its sole purpose is to give its owner pleasure!  More importantly, studies suggest that the vast majority of women enjoy clitoral stimulation and that this stimulation contributes to better and/or more accessible orgasms.  The clitoris delivers pleasure through a variety of touches and stimuli, including vibration, rubbing, tapping, sucking, and pressure.  As simple and exciting as that sounds, stimulating the clitoris is not always straightforward or easy for everyone.  Everyone experiences touch and sexual stimulation differently and there also may be physical or mental challenges to overcome.   â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


So, be sure to continually explore this pleasure powerhouse, try new sensations, and find what feels good to YOU!

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