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Introduction to vibrators

A BRIEF HISTORY The modern vibrator has its roots in the late 1800's with the invention of electromechanical vibrators for home massage therapy and medical treatment devices.  The invention of these devices is credited to the British doctor Joseph Mortimer Granville who created it for treating a variety of ailments including "pain, spinal disease, and deafness".  The consumer vibrator entered mainstream use in the early 1900's, again as a therapeutic device.  No doubt some creative (and frisky) minds in that era found it could do a lot more than ease a sore muscle.  

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The late 60's brought the introduction of the Hitachi Magic Wand, another plugin device marketed for sore muscles.  Women quickly realized how effective this powerful massager was for sexual pleasure and clitoral orgasm.  By the early 70's this iconic vibrator had reshaped how women experienced pleasure and launched the vibrator revolution.  Over the next couple decades intrepid companies produced countless vibrator models built and marketed specifically for sexual pleasure.   Today, those seeking the pleasurable stimulation derived from a vibrator can choose from a vast array of sizes, shapes, colors, materials, and functions.  

         What is the benefit of vibrator for sexual pleasure?  A vibrator is doing something similar to a manual massage with fingers or any other object.  The device rapidly moves back and forth providing a massaging effect to the adjacent tissues.  Most clitoral owners find that direct clitoral stimulation, or "massage", leads to orgasm.  Instead of using fingers, water jets, or other objects to apply the stimulation, the vibrator conveniently does so very rapidly.  It would be as if you could move your hand ten time faster.  The vibrator has not only offered convenience, efficiency, and variety to sex lives, they have provided the means for some to achieve their first ever orgasms .   

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